Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cyclocross Through Photos

My life has been ALL about cyclocross these days! I have raced almost every single weekend since I started and have been getting in trail rides multiple times every week with friends. It is the most fun training I have ever done. It's actually the most fun racing I've ever done as well! I have no desire to do a blow by blow for all of the races I have done since Harris Hill (which would be Cobbs Hill CX, Colden CX, and Parma CX) but they were all different and were all fun in their own ways. Cobbs Hill was probably the worst race I've had, Colden was the muddiest conditions I have EVER ridden in, and Parma totally played to my strengths because it was flat, however I had a huge crash on gravel on the 2nd loop which was (and still is) painful. So I am just going to post some photos because 1) they make me look cool and hardcore, 2) it is so beautiful outside, and 3) it's just easier! :)

Cobbs Hill CX

Cobbs Hill CX Women's CAT4 Podium (2 - Ari, 3 - me)

muddy as SHIT at Colden CX (south of Buffalo)

covered in mud after Colden CX
Ryan officiating the race (Ari and I ride with him all the time but this is the only photo I have)

SOLVEIG did her first race at Parma!!!

my battle wounds after crashing in the gravel


  1. Ack, that is a nasty looking gash on your arm- hope it's getting better!

    Yay cyclocross!!

  2. I don't know but I would love to race in all those muddy races. It is great to get through that.


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