Apparently, everyone's (at least everyone doing Keuka) swim tests this week were supposed to go crappily. We are all at a "high training stress level" and Mary wanted us to see how this stress level affected performance. I still think I'm the only one who cried. She also wanted to see how we reacted to not nailing a workout. Um, I think I failed that one!
So I am feeling better, but thank you everyone for kind words!
I got my race plan for Keuka Lake Tri. It's pretty non-specific. There is absolutely nothing in there about what pace to hold at any point in the race. I'm actually supposed to cover up all gadgets that show data with electrical tape (like my Garmin and bike computer) and go by feel. My only instructions are to go "Balls to the wall." I think this is hilarious and I love it!
Train-This athletes are doing a carbo-load breakfast on Saturday morning at I-Hop. We were supposed to go to Cracker Barrel but Don is grossed out by the fat people who go there (this is him, not me!) and wanted to go to I-Hop! Ummmm.. probably just as much obesity at I-Hop Don! Hahah.. I don't care either way!
I just want to add something nice that a Train-This alum., Jeremy, said to me today! (Well he's on triathlon hiatus at the moment). I met him a few years ago at an off-road duathlon. I was racing and he was volunteering on the bike course. He saw me drop my chain and then fix it (at lightning-speed I might add - he was impressed)! And somehow I started talking to him after the race and we were talking about Ironman. This is before I had even thought about doing one. Turns out, he is coached by Mary also and he's on the google group that everyone gets to email on. Anyways, today I told him that I thought I had met him before and he responded with this:
"I remember now Alexa!!! YES! That was me and at the time I loved your personality (my kinda humor) and now that it's coming through on the e-mails, I love it even more! Great stuff. Look forward to seeing you again."
I just thought that it was a really nice thing to say, and after having such a crappy week, it made me smile! :)
Hedwig is all ready for her race on Sunday.
I have new sneakers, just have to put the Yankx in! I've never run in Asics before.. usually I use New Balance but these fit better.
I may not be mentally ready to race yet but at least all my gear is ready! should call your steed a nimbus 2000...much faster :)