Sunday, November 28, 2010

happy Thanksgiving!

I had a good, fairly busy Thanksgiving weekend!

I drove home on Thursday morning. Even though they let us out of work 2 hours early on Wed. (I love it when they do that!) I had a chiropractor appointment and a bunch of stuff to do. Plus I hate driving home late. I opted to not bring my bike and trainer home and ended up skipping my bike ride on Friday and just moving it to Sunday.

So.. brace yourselves..

I DID ALL OF MY WORKOUTS THIS WEEK! No skipping and only that ONE moved workout!

While I was home I ate Thanksgiving dinner with my parents, went shopping on Friday with my friend Kerry (but not crazy early morning Black Friday shopping - I don't do that), watched some TV, went to bed really early, played with the dog, etc. It was good! But it's always good to be back in Rochester with my cat! I miss her when I have to leave her here, and she rewarded my return home by sleeping with me all night last night! Ugh.. I am like 1 year away from being a fully committed cat lady!

While on the subject of my apartment here in Rochester, I have officially decided that I am moving when my lease is up in March. My apartment is a dump. It's small, drafty, there is some kind of animal living in the walls, the people downstairs party all the time and smoke in the foyer, people's cars get broken into in the parking lot, and we can't forget that my mountain bike got stolen out of the freaking basement! I get scared to leave my apartment for the weekend because I worry that it's going to get broken into. It doesn't help when other people in the house leave the doors unlocked and the only thing stopping some crazy robber is the fact that my apartment is on the 3rd floor. So, I am out of here! I freaking HATE IT and NEED TO MOVE!!

On an unrelated note, when I was at home I found a scarf that I bought when I went to Ireland in 2003. The scarf still had the tags on it an everything! So now I have a nice scarf! Score. Also, I have been reading a LOT lately - I started reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" and it's SUPER good. :)

So anyways, things are good, unfortunately it's back to work tomorrow. :(


  1. You are going to become addicted to those books

    Also, if you move to the eastwood apartments where I am and use me as a reference we both get half off a month of rent!

  2. Good Luck on the Apartment hunting. I HATE moving but we will be doing it this june as well for my townhouse has some similar issues! Great Job on keeping with the workouts!

  3. Congrats on a full week of training. Now, listen closely. Put down the book. Seriously. If you don't want to screw up your training schedule, put down the book. They are so good and so addicting it will take up all your time. haha. Maybe you have more discipline than me though. I can't wait for the (non Swedish) movies to come out next year.

  4. It sounds like you definitely need to move! But, apt. hunting can be pretty fun! Good luck!

  5. First, happy Thanksgiving

    Second, yes, it is time to move, home is suppose to be a place of peace, doesnt sound like it a place where you can relax

  6. Good luck finding a new place. You are going to love those books, BTW...I had to buy all three!!


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